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Meet Our Team

Welcome to Our Lady of Peace School!


We invite you to visit our welcoming and spacious campus, tour classes, talk with us, and generally feel the great "vibe" of our spirited school. OLP has an extensive legacy within the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, going back over 50 years. Since COVID, we have been "RE-IMAGINING our school program, and  "RECONNECTING with our community and beyond." 

We have adopted a literacy focus - meaning that EVERY student under our guidance will become a proficient reader, writer, speaker and listener - across all subject areas. Students need to attain grade level and beyond standards.


We instill a sense of joy for reading and a curiosity for learning. We have raised rigor, challenge and engagement in our school so that students are actively learning all day long.


Catholicity has long been a strength at OLP and continues to be at the core of our mission. Students learn about and practice our Catholic faith daily and you just can't find kinder students than those attending our school. 

We cherish the diversity of our community: racially, demographically, economically, and culturally. Our mix of Hispanic, Asian, African American and Caucasian students nurtures an environment where all are respected and included.


We are small but determined. Our skilled teacher team is dedicated to making sure each student flourishes by discovering and developing his/her unique God given gifts. Due to our smaller class size, we are able to provide a family community within every class, as well as customize our instruction to support student learning. 


But don't take our word for it. Come visit! Ask our parents, staff and the students themselves. We are a growing and vibrant place to be and partner with you to educate your students!


Warm Regards and Blessings,

J. Testacross, Principal

Our Team




1st/2nd Grade

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Preschool Director

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3rd/4th Grade

Assistant Principal

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5th Grade


6/7th Grade

8th Grade

Preforming Arts/ Speech and Debate Tiger Club Director

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Physical Education Teacher/Athletic Director

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