LA SÉCURITÉ AVANT TOUT : nous prenons des mesures supplémentaires pour assurer la sécurité de vos enfants dans notre école. Plus de détails
Énoncé de mission
En union avec les parents, l'école Our Lady of Peace encourage nos élèves à connaître et à vivre la foi catholique, et à maîtriser avec succès un programme stimulant afin de devenir des chrétiens actifs, des apprenants tout au long de la vie et des membres productifs de notre communauté et de la monde.
L'école Our Lady of Peace est une communauté multiculturelle catholique d'élèves, de parents et de personnel qui a le Christ et ses enseignements comme raison d'être et base d'existence. Soutenir les efforts des parents, les principaux éducateurs de leurs enfants, le corps professoral de l'école et le personnel de soutien nourrissent et guident les talents, les capacités et les intérêts uniques de chaque enfant afin que les élèves, avec le temps, puissent réaliser l'autonomie, la dignité personnelle et leur plein potentiel. Un programme équilibré d'universitaires, de compétences sociales, d'éducation physique et de beaux-arts centré sur les principes, les valeurs, la morale et l'éthique chrétiens est proposé aux étudiants dans une atmosphère de gentillesse et d'acceptation.
Our Lady of Peace School is a culturally diverse Catholic community of families, students and staff, centered on Christ’s teachings. Partnering with families as the primary educators of their children, each student is guided to discover and explore his/her unique talents and abilities via a challenging curriculum and extracurricular activities.
Re-Imagining our future and Re-Connecting with our Families and Community.
School Wide Core Beliefs
At OLP we strive to practice and continually grow in the values and core beliefs of our Vision/Mission, Philosophy and Motto. We are aligned to the broader Archdiocese vision of ongoing growth in the areas of faith, academic excellence and stewardship. We strive to follow our Pillars & live our Catholic faith and beliefs with vibrancy and love.
We believe that Catholic education is rooted in Gospel values. and leads students to be Christ-centered stewards who manifest love, inclusivity, and an appreciation for diversity. We are called to generosity of spirit and positive contribution in service.
We are committed to high expectations and every student’s learning growth in a supportive environment that cultivates curiosity and a life-long love of learning. We believe in providing academic "stretch" not academic "stress."​
We believe faith driven actions and service that fosters responsible citizenship, honoring the dignity of all God’s creation and promoting social justice.
We believe parents are the primary educators with the strongest influence in their children’s lives. We value our partnership and commitment to be mutually supportive, honest, and compassionate, while maintaining the integrity and respect of our distinct roles.
We believe academics should be focused on mastery of grade level standards, and beyond, through the use of a wide range of instructional strategies and assessments that foster critical, creative, and complex thinking and problem solving.
We believe students should graduate well prepared for future higher level educational opportunities, with a belief in the value of hard work, perseverance, and integrity.